Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Peace and quiet

You know how in films sometimes music just seems to *fit*?
It causes a bigger impact to the viewer than many people even consider.

It very rarely happens in real life, not music of course, but just sounds and smells and sensations.

This is how I feel at the moment.

I am sitting on my windowsill with my back against the wall.
The window next to me is open and I have a fresh cool breeze caressing my cheek.
The sun is streaming through my window warming my fingers as they type.
I can hear only the wind in the trees.
The sound of the trees talking and telling a thousand stories to those who will listen.
Outside of my window is green, there are trees, and grass and the first leaves of autumn.

I don't want this moment to end, and yet I think I will be back tomorrow.

This post if anything is just a reminder to stop and sit for a while and enjoy the sounds of the world, which is something that many of us are too busy to do.

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