Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What on Earth do they think they are teaching them!!

My posts concerning teachers are generally ones of sympathy at having to put up with the little sods that are tomorrows future. I myself was by no means a model student, but in comparison to students today, I was as sweet as sugar.

It infuriates me when I walk around the school I work in and hear them shouting terms of abuse at eachother. It doesn't shock me that they swear - who in this world, who actually steps foot outside of their own front door can be delluded to believe that children do not swear?

It is the terms that annoy me. That make me want to bang their stupid little heads together, or against the wall - whichever is closer/harder or more likely to knock some sense into them.

I do not like to hear "gay", "homo", "lessa", "paki" and other such terms thrown around as the most derogative term that the user can think of. I tend to think, oh it's the parents, or their friends that are teaching them that this is the correct way in which to use these terms.

I could not have been more wrong. Whilst quite happily going about my job today the computer I was working with was being difficult (It was being like me on a monday morning). The member of staff who's computer it was turns to me and says "oh 'mop' is it being gay". My jaw nearly hit the floor!

I remember a few years ago whilst in a lesson where an open and frank conversation about homosexuality would have helped alot of my friends, the teacher concerned could not even acknowledge homosexuality. The education sector did not want it discussed. I can understand this with respect to the fact they do not want negativity on the subject broadcast, but for a teacher who everyone knew was pro same-sex relationships, it was stupid and wrong. Very much a Harry Potter "he-who-shall-not-be-named" sort of thing.

So why all of a sudden now has this changed. Why can a teacher - the head of a department no less - be allowed to refer to homosexuality with such disrespect, and in a manner which the students use/pick up.

I understand that in various areas, this is just common slang - which whilst not making it right does lessen the impact, but it is still wrong and should certainly not be allowed within a school environment.

I tell the children in my care off when they use such terms - I don't treat adults any different. As you can imagine - the staff member in question was not best pleased to receive a lecture from a lowly technician.

Ooops :)

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