Sunday, April 16, 2006

They say the darndest things...

...and no I'm not talking about kids.

The particular breed I am referring to today is that of teachers. They have to put up with so much, but occasionally, just once in a while they get to bite back.

I've been sorting through old school books and folders for the last week and have so far managed to throw away a whole forest; but at least its being recycled. This morning I had to chuckle when I found written in the back of an exercise book a quote from nearly five years ago.

To an oik of a student; "You are just like diarrhoea aren't you? Just when you think its all gone there's just a little bit left."

Both the rest of the class and I dissolved into fits of hysterics, whilst the child in question did not understand the comment and merely looked around in dismay. Thus causing me further amusement. And I'm pleased to add that the child was in future more behaved - at least in those lessons.

But this was back in the day before political correctness was at such an extreme as in today's society.

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