Monday, May 15, 2006

Children first...

I spent the day in London yesterday. We were there to see the Lion King stageshow. It was unfortunately cancelled *sob sob* half way through the middle and so there were several children bawling their eyes out because they thought that the death of the king was the end of the story.
I recommend that anyone go and see the show as it is a truly magical experience - and no I'm not being paid to say that, nor have I been brainwashed :)

Anyway, I digress.

I want to set the scene...

...busy london traffic, busier than usual (if that is possible) due to the road works and the fact that they have closed two tunnels. Hot day and as usual people in a rush to get places.
Now, as I'm sure you are aware, drivers in London are pretty furious drivers. They are very determined and think nothing of nipping in and out of lanes. Lets face it, if you drive in London you have to be confident or you don't get anywhere. This does however mean that you have to be quick. This can therefore be quite dangerous for pedestrians who decide to ignore the crossings and just cross in random places. Drivers will not always stop for you.

What is she on about I hear you ask? Ok I will get to the point.

Whilst driving in London I saw not one but SEVERAL people pushing PRAMS out into the road so that the traffic might stop and they can cross.
What on Earth do they think they are doing, they cannot honestly believe that that is a good idea!!

Yes a driver may well want to stop so that they don't hit/kill/mame the child in the pram, but you cannot stop a vehicle immediately. It is not even as if there were severals second gaps. I saw atleast one very close call.

Vehicle quite happily going along, not even going particularly fast, when out of nowhere less than a cars distance away this pram is thrusted into the road. If that driver had blinked at the wrong second, or if his reactions were any slower, then he would've had creamed baby all over his car.

I realise that if you aren't ruthless then you could be waiting for a whole five (!!!) minutes to cross the road - but you could atleast stick your own head or limb out to be mangled. Why play with the life of your child so that you might not have to wait for a mere five bloody minutes.

It is stupid and reckless.

Not only are you playing with your childs life, but imagine the trauma it would cause to any bystanders, the driver or any passengers in the car. That is a memory that they will all have to live with forever, sounds and images that will leave a permanent residue in their brains.

Wake up and look around you, no one is invincible.

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