Friday, December 02, 2005

If you loved me....

... you'd do what jump off a cliff?

Don't worry guys, you're not alone. I don't understand women either.

I don't undertsand how the 'fairer' sex can exploit men and not feel guilty about it. I feel guilty as hell if I say something which could even be interpreted as exploiting, which then leaves me apologising for the next few hours - but hey that's probably just me.

It does have to be said however that it's not just women who use things such as their relationships to exploit people. Both men and women should be implanted with some sort of electronic chip that sends out a 240 volt shock whenever the words "if you loved me" were uttered - or even "don't you love me?" for that matter.

Yes I realise that there are some perfectly innocent sentences of comparison that require the uttering of those four words, however if there were an electric shock, we would soon learn to cope without.

You may be wondering what has spurned this sudden outburst, well, it is a compilation of the news, something I heard in the high street and the general life experiences of both me and my friends.

Oh and for those of you who don't agree with me, to my knowledge the words "if you loved me" and "don't you love me?" are the most commonly used guilt trips by the sexual abusers of children... think about it.

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At 9:28 pm, Blogger Aymster said...

Manipulation is pretty crappy thing to do to someone. I never said that and I hope I never will.

At 12:55 am, Blogger Martin said...

Those words are never of test of whether or not you love someone - only how much you love them.

At 12:33 am, Blogger mop said...

love shouldn't depend on material gain...

At 9:59 pm, Blogger foo said...

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

That was written about two thousand years ago and still holds true. (Well, it should)

At 1:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never used that terminology myself, maybe you should try being in love first before commenting on others. Love is not and cannot be dependant on material gain, but giving to a loved one makes the giver and reciepiant happy hopefully, although sometime the reciever can take a selfish view point.

At 6:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'If you loved me...' just one of the many phrases that a child molester uses. A truer word was never spoken.


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