Monday, November 28, 2005

Banging head against wall

I thought that choosing which course to do at uni would be hard, but my personal statement is appearing to be more of a mountain than the original mere cliff that I had presumed it to be. Aaaaaaaargh!
This is of course accentuated by the fact that I haven't actually chosen my course yet, and don't seem to be at a final decision at any point in the near future - Whoops

So, in short what I've learnt today is that I should not under any circumstance be left with a decision, no matter how simple it may seem because I will inevitably balls it up.

Oh and anyone who wants to write my personal statement or decide my future for me, should apply below...

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At 9:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm great at making wheather to apply for the position or not, hmmm...? yes! :s

mowgli :p

At 1:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

someone once said to me "Its your life" as advice, they where of course wrong. You are the sum total of your experience to date and know one can take that from you. Its what you learn from your friends and enemies, good days and bad days. So you've been helped already deal with it. But remember what you do also effects others for better or worse.


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