Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Day the School Fell Down

Ok, a slight exaggeration on my part.

Yesterday was the day that I was left alone to fend off the bad people where I work. By bad people, I mean those who cannot find the reset button on a computer. Anyone who is familiar with working with people over the age of forty will probably understand what I mean (no offense to those who are, you are mostly lovely people).

On the Tuesday night, a network program called SIMS (need to wash mouth out for saying such bad words) had an upgrade. Here we are letting 'IT' have a nice new update which should in theory make it work better, and how does it repay us? Yes, you guessed it, it breaks!! And yes I know, I shouldn't expect otherwise.

Ok, I will be quiet now and get back to the tedium of my personal statement.

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