Monday, December 19, 2005

Free religion?

I am appalled by the actions of the Free Presbyterian Church in Belfast.

What right do they think they have to ruin someone's special day by preaching outside of their ceremony. To me this seems pathetic and itself a sin. After all, should you not do unto to others what you would have them do to you? The church is trying to keep its control over a society that it has no right to control.

According to the Presbyterian Church - and I quote "Homosexuality is a sin", no it's not, and the sooner you realise that the times are changing the better.

The church and religion in general has damaged society, over the years the church has stunted the development of society due to these sins. Medical advancements in Britain were dramatically behind that of ancient societies such as the Egyptians for decades due to the fact that now common place exercises such as an autopsy were heinous sins. Were it not for those people who dared to disobey the state we would still be using trephining to ease headaches (drilling hole in head with rock to release the evil spirit within). Just the thought is atrocious.

In many cases religion is wrong and twisted and is merely the left over oppressive control of the lower classes from the last centuries. Religion was a way to keep people quiet, so they would put up with the suffering inflicted upon them by the greedy people of the state. I understand that to some people their religion is what keeps them going through difficult times, they draw comfort from the idea that they are not along. But sadly religion is not always comforting.

Different religions have different views of God(s). The two most common views of God are that of a vengeful God and that of a caring forgiving God. If you believe in the former, why? Does it make sense to spend your life bowing and scraping to someone that will probably be harsh enough to pick you up on the smallest little thing that you did wrong and send you to hell for eternity. Does it not make more sense to enjoy your life and pay for it later, Satan loves an autonomous being - they make perfect minions. If you believe in the latter God then it should not matter how you or anyone else live their lives as long as you don't take your freedom to the extreme that you kill anyone.

Under the rules of religion, wives should do as their husbands tell them and divorce is illegal. So why should God want women to be trapped in an abusive relationship where in many cases they are beaten near to death, but have to suffer in silence due to the power above. Is that moral, I think not. Under some religions, men have total control over women, does that make rape right?

God works in mysterious ways, yes? And God is the all powerful creator who controls everything, yes? And God made everything for a reason from the whale to the wasp, yes? Then he made people as they are for a reason. How can homosexuality be a sin when God himself created it?

Those who sin are seen as having sold their souls to Satan himself but it appears to be the other way around. FREE religion, nothing is for free, you pay with your lack of soul and apparently personality.

Apologies to anyone I have offended, whilst my latest post makes me appear as narrow-minded and bigot-like as the head of the Belfast Free Presbyterian Church I am open minded and realise that in many cases religion does not dictate the person.

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At 12:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is no mention of sexual orientation in the bible, but jesus did hang around with his disciples all of whom where men. I was told that by a priest in a purple dress...

At 5:29 pm, Blogger mop said...

Thanks for the comment.
Was referring to the giant yellow banner that was present with the preacher at the incident mentioned.
But thank you, always nice to know lol.

At 9:42 pm, Blogger foo said...

In the original Law of Moses (what the Jews lived by), it does say this:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.

Depending on what area of Christianity you talk to, that does/does not still apply. We are "saved by grace" and not by deeds [1] but also that, once we understand our sinful nature by virtue of being human, we should strive to sin no more [2] (although this is impossible as we are human... it's all a bit heavy on the head).

The long and the short of it is that, for the most part, Christians beleive that people who are homosexual are not bad people, but the act of making love with a member of the same sex is a sin.

(It doesn't talk about woman+woman, I hear you say... Jewish culture then meant that all the writings were directed at the men.)

[1] Grace is a gift from God which is way beyond the scope of this comment (see here)

[2] Justification for this statement: here. Again quite a big topic.

Please email me if that doesn't make sense or , or just comment and mop will poke me :)

At 9:52 pm, Blogger foo said...

Ammendment to [2]

the link should be this... oops :)


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