Thursday, March 23, 2006

Now everyone, breathe deeply

Management Personnel never surprise me with their fantastic ideas.

For example, if you had to notify all members of your staff about a severe and contagious disease within the company would you;
  1. Put a notice on the notice board?

  2. Put a notice on the notice board and a bulletin in everyones pigeon holes?

  3. Put a notice on the notice board and a bulletin in everyones pigeon holes and then send everyone home to see if anyone else develops the illness?

  4. Gather all members of staff into one reasonably small room to tell them about it by reading out to them (word for word) the bulletin they all have in their hands due to them having just picked it up from their pigeonholes.
Hmm, yes the management chose option number four aswell...

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Recharge Discharge

On another random blog hopping exercise during a quick coffee break today I found out about this battery.

What a great idea I thought, but then I began to ponder, if the technology 'develops' (in quote marks as it may 'develop' in the same way as Windows...) and is needed to produce more electricity how much urine will be needed?

I understand that changing the compounds within the 'battery' can result in different voltage, but surely there is a limit as to how big you can make the reaction for safety reasons. Ok, I realise I may be getting ahead of technology and stretching its limitations to both the unnecessary and impractical - but this is only a whimsical pondering.

In a society that still frowns upon mothers breast feeding in public, how on earth would they react to an 'emergency battery' situation. ;)

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Happy Face

"Oh man! Look at those [spacemen] go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?"

The saying "simple things..." is, I am sad to say being applied to me in ever increasing quantities. But regardless I thought I would provide a link to anyone else who has imagination enough to see this, it made me smile when I stumbled across it.

Yes, I do realise that it was discovered several years ago, but here it is regardles, the Mars happy face :)

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006


The wait is over, and I am ever so slightly happy (to the extent that I am bouncing off the walls with excitement) because I received a phonecall not more than 30 minutes ago (my hands have only stopped trembling enough to type) to tell me that I have been accepted at UKC

*jumps up and down excitedly*

Will update soon as I can't sit still long enough to go into details :)

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thauthage woll...

I really feel sorry for whoever has to work with me, or infact spend any amount of time in close proximity to me.

The reason for this being my random outbursts :)

The outbursts for the last week have thankfully been Blackadder related and therefore not entirely random, or atleast they wouldn't be if only he (my colleague) had seen any of the Blackadder series (yes I know, unbelievably there are people out there who have never discovered the delights of Blackadder).

Therefore outbursts such as "...and once I dweamt I was a thauthage woll..." are thoroughly confusing for him - ooops

I am however quite glad of the latest which has caused me to break into song and dance... and yes at the same time obtained various 'time to get mop committed looks'...

o/~ See the little goblin,see his little feet
and his little nosey-wose -
isnt the goblin sweet...

Also coupled with todays outburst of (complete with voices) and said whilst sitting on his desk;

"Good Morning Mrs Ploppy...
...Good moring Mr Ploppy"

I do however have to apologise to him for the outburst first thing this morning when after standing next to him quietly for about 10 minutes I half shouted "Dungarees!". I don't know if attempting to explain any reasoning behind this will make it any better - partly as I'm not sure it exists - but what the hell, it is a very short story.

About one sentence long infact.

I want to buy some dungarees, and spent atleast 10 minutes in a shop trying them on and then didnt buy them because I could not decide whether I was a size 10 or a 12, or whether infact I would ever wear them when I wasn't painting a room. Oh the complications of life :p

Ok, one very long sentence in length.

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I realise that my blog is compiled nearly entirely of whinges, but I am going to try and rectify this problem.

I mop hereby certify to post atleast one happy (if somewhat random post) for every depressingly long and ranting post...

...or try atleast. :)

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No madam...cosy box room, not cardboard box

It is official people...never trust an estate agent!

And to think, all the trouble I had getting my passport. I could have saved time and money on the train fares and just gone to my friendly local estate agent...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Yes or No

I am shocked at the attitude of Howard Johnston, and would like to give him some money so that he might buy a clue.

I am of course referring to the case of Natallie Evans who has been left infertile by cancer treatment, and whos frozen embryos (her last chance of having her own gentic children) are denied to her because of her ex-partner.

Does he not see that through no fault of her own she is now incapable of conceiving a child. This is not the insane act of a crazy ex-partner who wishes to enact her revenge or perhaps entangle him in her web never to let him be free again. Will he one day wake up and realise that under different circumstances she wouldn't be begging him to help her create a new life, infact I seriously doubt that she would stalk him begging on her hands and knees with a plastic cup so that she might impregnate herself with his child.

It is the last chance for a woman who has already been through so much, to have a child. She does not need Mr Johnstons financial help as she has a partner who is prepared to legally become the childs father. Mr Johnston therefore need have no input in the childs life and could disappear. He need not become a father yet, and indeed there are no complications for him, Natallie on the other hand is running out of time.

Cancer is not a nice disease at the best of times, but how can he not imagine how it must feel to have triumphed against a life threatening illness only to be told that (as most women perceive it) you are not a real woman anymore, to feel that you are no longer complete. That missing part of her, that final piece of the jigsaw as it were to make her feel complete and like a woman again, is obtainable - if only a man who at one point claimed to love her would let her reach out and embrace it.

Can anyone attempt to understand how she will feel for the rest of her life on each and every October if the law allows these frozen children to be destroyed. It might I presume be similar to the feelings of those unfortunate souls who lost loved ones in the July bombings in London, or the parents of James Bulger or even Damilola Taylor.

"How?" I hear you ask, "They haven't been born yet". The fact of the matter is that to her they have been born. They have names, their first day at school has been imagined, their first words, first girlfriends/boyfriends, weddings,grandchildren - they have all been imagined. And these ideas, no matter how whimsical they seem to some, may even have been what gave her the strength and courage to fight cancer.

Yes I realise alot of this post is made up on inference, but if people stopped empathising what would the world come to?

He says that he wouldn't like to think that his child was out there without him - so he'd rather they were destroyed?...

I can see his point of view too, but I'm also intrigued as to how he'd feel were he to become infertile and yet want his *own* children.

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