Thursday, February 01, 2007

Kids today

Kids today are truly too over-protected. Especially computer games wise. Yes I know there are games where you beat people up, shoot people, steal cars, commit theft, deal drugs... the list goes on and on. But for most children that stays firmly in the game world, they know they will never be strong enough/brave enough/stupid enough to do the things they do on the computer.

Back in the 80's it was different. Games could be like real life. Ok games weren't necassarily very exciting back then and admittedly compared to today, the graphics were horrendous - but they were slightly more real.

I was having a trip down retro lane earlier and playing a load of spectrum classics when I saw;

The quest for the golden egg cup - spectrum classic

You just don't get blunt truth like that anymore.

Oh well, it amused me anyway :)

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